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September 28, 2010

WonderKing Online!

Yes... I'm straying a bit from Final Fantasy in order to give you all a taste of something pretty neat.

WonderKing Online is a 2D side-scrolling MMORPG with both modern and mythic aspects integrated into its fantasy environment. Like MapleStory, this game has its own signature animal. They call it the puma.
Pretty cute and, in my opinion, better looking than the MapleStory slimes.

This game, though resembling MapleStory in its most basic senses, is actually quite unique. It is very new, not even a year since the release... But it has amazing content and a pretty unique and individual story line, which MapleStory is lacking greatly. Most of the NPCs have voice actors associated with them. There are Part-Time quests that you can repeat. Making money is super easy with the quest system and from selling the vast amount of equipment drops you can obtain great quantities of money to supplement your travels.

When it comes to leveling... WonderKing wins the great battle of EXP balancing! You get to explore areas fast so you never get bored. You won't spend hours grinding or questing in areas (excluding later levels). You can go from level 1 to level 30 in 3-5 hours, 7 hours if you take it really slow. You get your first job and basic job at the same time, during creation... so you feel like you're advancing more and you have more customization early in the game. Getting from level 30 to level 80 is actually quite fast, it'll take some time but with questing and taking your time to read what the quests are actually asking, you can do it in a week, two at most.

Something WonderKing has that MapleStory not only lacks, but has never even tried to implement, is the PvP system! YES! WonderKing has PvP! Unfortunately it's not as balanced or perfect as you'd like it to be. It's still in the beta stages and no EXP or Gold is awarded... but they are improving it every update and balancing the classes greatly so soon everything in the game will be fixed... since 95% of the problems are class imbalances and don't have to do with PvE content.

Over-all the world of WonderKing is a great place! So if you're looking for a new, free MMORPG (which has cash items but you can do surveys which have extremely high payout rates because WK actually cares about its customers) with lots of new content and exciting stories, then play WonderKing! Or if you're just hating on MapleStory and desiring a way to piss them out, come to WonderKing and lower Nexon's Fan Base!


  1. never heard of it before. going to check it out. thx.

  2. Awww, looks so cute..Must look into for the cuteness!

  3. I've heard so many different things about this game.. I'm gonna have to go try it out

  4. Might have to check this out, I love 2D MMORPGs a lot actually!

  5. wonderking looks like fun, 2D games are often really clever, thanx dude

  6. Thanks for the headsup, definitely might check this out if I ever find the time to kill

  7. Sounds interesting I might try it out after I get bored of Mabi. :3

  8. I'll give this one a shot, just need to make some more time.

  9. Game looks fun, I'm going to have to check it out. Thanks.

  10. the only thing im worried about is whether or not it's like every other korean mmo in existence. a long boring grindfest.

    man, i remember years ago, about 10 of my friends played maple story religiously. i'm glad we've moved on to LoL.
